Research Interest:
Natural product total synthesis; Synthetic methodology development; Catalysis; Small molecule therapeutics; Medicinal chemistry
Knowledge Exchange and Collaborations
Prof. Pauline Chiu
Room 604, Chong Yuet Ming Chemistry Building, HKU
3917 8949
Research Interest:
Natural product total synthesis; Synthetic methodology development; Catalysis; Small molecule therapeutics; Medicinal chemistry
Prof. Michael Fuk-Yee Kwong
Chairman of the Department of Chemistry, CUHK
Member of Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences
Room G56 Science Centre, CUHK
3943 6257
Research Interests:
Synthetic organic chemistry; Organometallics chemistry; Design, preparation, and application of new phosphine ligands; Development of new transition metal-catalyzed C-H bond functionalization for carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bond formation; Organocatalysis / Cross-Dehydrogenative-Coupling Methodologies; Enantioselective reactions
Prof. Xiang David Li
Awardee of NSFC Excellent Young Scientists Fund
Member of Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences
Room 8N-12, Kadoorie Biological Sciences Building, HKU
3917 3777
Research Interests:
Protein-protein interaction, posttranslational modification, epigenetics, chemical proteomics, target identification
Prof. Xiaoyu Li
Head of Department of Chemistry, HKU
Room 8N-22, Kadoorie Biological Sciences Building, HKU
3917 3383
Research Interests:
Drug discovery, Molecular probes, DNA-encoded library, Target identification, Protein labeling
Prof. Xuechen Li
Member of Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences
Room 405, Chong Yuet Ming Chemistry Building
3917 4992
Research Interest:
Protein chemical synthesis; Protein chemistry; Chemical glycobiology; Protein bioconjugation; Drugs, Antibiotics; Antibody-drug conjugates antiviral agents; Peptide; Carbohydrate; Natural product; Total synthesis; Peptide modification
Prof. Qian Miao
Room 361 Science Centre, CUHK
3943 8127
Research Interests:
Design and synthesis of novel polycyclic aromatic molecules with interesting structures and useful applications, development of high-performance organic semiconductor materials and devices using tools from organic synthesis, supramolecular chemistry and surface chemistry
Prof. Jinyao Tang
Member of Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences
Room 402, Chong Yuet Ming Chemistry Building, HKU
3917 4696
Research Interest:
Soft materials, Active matter physics, Renewable energy, Nanomaterials
Prof. Ying-Yeung Yeung
Awardee of The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars
Room 260 Science Centre, CUHK
3943 6377
Research Interests:
Synthetic organic chemistry; Asymmetric halogenation reactions; Multi-component synthesis; Novel functional molecules synthesis for biological studies
Prof. Ho-Yu Au-Yeung
Associate Professor
Room 503, Chong Yuet Ming Chemistry Building, HKU
3917 4697
Research Interests:
Supramolecular chemistry; Mechanically interlocked molecules; Molecular machines; Molecular recognition; Chemical sensing
Prof. Kou Okuro
Associate Professor
Room 106, Hui Oi Chow Science Building, HKU
3910 2195
Research Interests:
Supramolecular chemistry; Biomaterials; Soft materials; Optochemical biology
Prof. Jun Yang
Associate Professor
Room 409, Hui Oi Chow Science Building, HKU
3917 6074
Research Interests:
Quantum chemistry, Electronic structure theory, Low-scaling methodology, Computational modelling
Prof. Jian He
Assistant Professor
Room 103, Hui Oi Chow Science Building, HKU
3910 2193
Research Interests:
Catalysis; Metal organic frameworks; Photochemistry; Radical chemistry; Polymer chemistry; Artificial enzymes
Prof. Zhongxing Huang
Assistant Professor
Awardee of NSFC Excellent Young Scientists Fund
Room 102, Hui Oi Chow Science Building, HKU
3910 2192
Research Interests:
Methodology; Catalysis; Green chemistry; Renewable energy conversion
Prof. Junzhi Liu
Assistant Professor
Awardee of NSFC Excellent Young Scientists Fund
Room 405, Hui Oi Chow Science Building, HKU
3917 4201
Research Interests:
Organic Synthesis, Polymer Chemistry, Organic Functional Materials, Organic Electronic Devices
Dr. Zhen-Jiang Xu
Associate Professor
Group of Prof. Chi-Ming Che
Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS
(+86) 021 54925022
Research Interests:
Synthesis of transition metal complexes and their catalysis; Activation of small molecules