


The State Key Laboratory of Synthetic Chemistry (SKL of Synth Chem) was established to provide a platform for the creation/invention of new functional molecules with novel bonding, structures and properties, and for application studies of these newly invented/prepared molecules. The objectives of the SKL are (i) to develop Green and Sustainable Catalysis with Practical applications, and (ii) to develop/identify applications of the newly invented functional molecules in the areas of Materials Science and Medicines.


This SKL was approved by Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of the Chinese Government in 2010 and was officially established in 2011 as the "State Key Laboratory of Synthetic Chemistry (Partner Laboratory at The University of Hong Kong)" (PSKL of Synth Chem). At that time the PSKL was a partner SKL of the State Key Laboratory of Organometallic Chemistry located at the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SIOC). Later in 2018, MOST agreed with the rename of the PSKL to "State Key Laboratory of Synthetic Chemistry (The University of Hong Kong)". A branch laboratory was set up at the Department of Chemistry of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). The SKL of Synth Chem is also in collaboration with The Shanghai-Hong Kong Joint Laboratory on Chemical Synthesis located at SIOC.


Self Photos / Files - Timeline of SKL

The SKL of Synth Chem was rated "Outstanding" in its re-assessment exercise in 2017.